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Double Major Program

The Double Major Program allows students who meet the academic and other requirements to take courses simultaneously from two diploma programs within the same higher education institution, enabling them to earn two separate diplomas. Students may apply for a second major diploma program starting at the earliest in the third semester and at the latest in the fifth semester of four-year programs.

  • Students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 70 out of 100 in their major diploma program and who rank in the top 20% of their class in terms of academic success may apply for the second major diploma program.
  • Students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 70 out of 100 in their major diploma program but who are not in the top 20% of their class may also apply for the Double Major Program, provided their entrance score is not less than the base score of the second major program for that year.
  • To apply for the Double Major Program, students must have successfully completed all courses taken in their major diploma program up to the semester of application.

Click here to access the Double Major Curriculum

Minor Program

The Minor Program allows students enrolled in a diploma program, who meet the specified conditions, to take a limited number of courses in a particular subject within the same higher education institution and earn a certificate (minor certificate) that does not substitute for a diploma.

  • Students may apply to the Minor Program starting at the earliest in the third semester and at the latest in the sixth semester of their major undergraduate program.
  • Students who have successfully completed all credit courses in their undergraduate program up to the semester of application may apply.
  • At the time of application, students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 65 out of 100 in their major program.

Click here to access the Minor Curriculum