Preparation of Undergraduate Thesis
1. Thesis should be created in a WORD environment on a computer using the “Undergraduate Thesis Template” in accordance with the writing rules.
2. The principles and warnings specified in the “Undergraduate Thesis Preparation Rules” should be taken into consideration when preparing the Thesis.
Finalization of Undergraduate Thesis
1. Three (3) hardcover copies of the prepared “Undergraduate Thesis” must be delivered to the Course Director and the thesis must be finalized after the review-defense phase. (Theses must be bound in a thick cardboard cover. Spiral covers must not be used in binding.)
2. 1 hardcover copy of the successfully completed “Undergraduate Thesis” must be taken by the Course Director, 1 hardcover copy must be given to the Student and 1 hardcover copy must be delivered to the Department Head.
Undergraduate Thesis Rules
Undergraduate Thesis Template
Graduation Thesis Exam Minutes and Participant List
Graduation Thesis Exam Announcement Form