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Chemists graduated from Yozgat Bozok University can get a Pedagogical Formation Certificate and work as a teacher in the education sector.

 Chemists who have completed a four-year undergraduate education and are interested in scientific research can receive master's and doctorate education with thesis and become academicians.

 Chemistry graduates are among the most preferred graduates of the chemical industry. Chemists, who research the structures of substances, develop basic needs of people and produce new compounds, are also producers of materials used in many fields such as food, medicine, textile, cleaning, cosmetics, agricultural agriculture, paint, cement, glass and plastic industries. Chemists can work in any of these industrial sectors in research and development, production, technical management, quality control and responsible management units.

 They can find employment opportunities in scientific research centers and hospital laboratories, water and wastewater analysis laboratories and environmental analysis laboratories.

 In addition to these, they can find employment opportunities in government institutions such as TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), MKE (Machinery and Chemistry Industry), MTA (Mineral Research and Exploration), TSE (Turkish Standards Institute) and their peers.

 They can work in laboratory chemicals and devices sales and service companies and consulting firms, as well as become Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Specialists.


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