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Yozgat Bozok University

School of Foreign Languages (Located on the top floor of the Faculty of Communication building)
Erdoğan Akdağ East Campus Atatürk Road 7th km

Center - YOZGAT


Phone: 0354 242 11 02

School Director :                   Lect. Sadettin GÜÇLÜ - Internal Line: 2009

Vice Director:                       Lect. Hatice YEMENOĞLU -  Internal Line: 2008

Vice Director:                       Lect.  Emel EGEMEN - Internal Line: 2007

School Secretary:                 Davut ERSOY - Internal Line: 2005

Chief:                                  Sultan EMİRLER - Internal Line:2401 (Student Affairs)

Officer:                                Yusuf ARSLAN -  Internal Line: 2003

Secretariat:                          Internal Line: