The Department of Eastern Languages and Literatures aims to train qualified specialists who have foreign language awareness and language proficiency to present their thoughts on an international platform, who can successfully speak a foreign language, have knowledge about literature, history and culture, and have an academic understanding.
It is aimed to equip students to examine and research literary and critical texts, and to evaluate the texts they have studied from a social, historical, cultural and philosophical perspective.
The vision of the Department of Eastern Languages and Literatures is to reach a respectable point among other universities by collaborating with educational institutions operating in the country or abroad, while aiming to represent the university in important national and international academic studies. To provide interaction between cultures, to have a voice on a global scale by examining contemporary works as well as classical texts.
At the same time, it is to raise individuals with a developed sense of responsibility, free thinking, critical, professional and social ethical awareness. It is to ensure that these individuals acquire the necessary equipment to communicate effectively, be creative, self-confident, follow national and international developments and carry out studies in this direction.