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4. Ali Çiriş, Yavuz Atasoy, Murat Tomakin, Abdullah Karaca, Tayfur Küçükömeroğlu and Emin Bacaksız. Impact of CdSeTe and CdSe film deposition parameter on the properties of CdSeTe/CdTe absorber structure for solar cell applications. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 39, 025012 (2024).
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8. Yıldız, D., Gullu, H., Yıldırım, M., Morley, N., & Şahingöz, R. Novel Al/CoFe/p-Si and Al/NiFe/p-Si MS-type photodiode for sensing. Nanotechnology, vol.36, no.2 (2024).
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1. Akan, T., Cincioglu, E., Ozpineci, A., & Tegmen, A. Semileptonic Bc decays to P-wave charmonia in the light-cone QCDSR. Nuclear Physics A, 1034, 122642 (2023).
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3. Karakuş, M.Ö., Yakışıklıer, M.E., Delibaş, A. Çetin, H. A roadmap for hydrogel-based quasi-solid electrolyte preparation for use in dye-sensitized solar cell. Electrochimica Acta, 427, 140841 (2022).
4. Sahin, B., Aydin, R., Soylu, S., Turkmen, M., Kara, M., Akkaya, A., Cetin, H., Ayyildiz, E. The effect of thymus syriacus plant extract on the main physical and antibacterial activities of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by SILAR method. Inorg. Chem. Commun., 135, 109088 (2022).
5. M. KIRAK and S. YILMAZ. Third harmonic generation of spherical multilayered quantum dot: effects of quantum confinement, impurity, electric and magnetic fields. Applied Physics A, 128 (5), 459 (2022).
6. Yıldız, D.E., Gullu, H.H. & Cavus, H.K. Effect of TiO2 Thin Film with Different Dopants in Bringing Au-Metal into a Contact with n-Si. J Inorg Organomet Polym., 32, 1067–1077 (2022).
7. Duran, D. Dynamics of the Quantum Coherence Under the Concatenation of Yang–Baxter Matrix. Quantum Inf Process., 21(2), 50 (2022).
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9. Ali Çiriş, Yavuz Atasoy, Abdullah Karaca, Murat Tomakin, Tayfur Küçükömeroğlu, Emin Bacaksız. The effect of ZnCl2 and CdCl2 treatment on ZnS/CdS junction partner on CdTe cell performance. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process.,149, 106860 (2022).
10. Ali Çiriş, Bülent M. Başol, Yavuz Atasoy, Abdullah Karaca, Murat Tomakin, Tayfur Küçükömeroğlu, Emin Bacaksız. Effect of ultra-thin CdSe(x)Te(1-x) interface layer on parameters of CdTe solar cells. Solar Energy, 234, 128–136 (2022).
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3. Maticiuc, N., Kodalle, T., Umsur, B., Bertram, T., Wenisch, R., Wang, Y.J., Majumdar, I., Yetkin, H.A., Abou-Ras, D., Schafer, N., Kaufmann, C.A., Schlatmann, R. & Lauermann, I. "Depth-resolved analysis of the effect of RbF post-deposition treatment on CIGSe with two different Cu concentrations." Sol. Energy Mater Sol. Cells. 226, 111071 (2021).
4. Taşdemir A., Aydin R., Akkaya A., Akman N., Altınay Y., Çetin H., Şahin B., Uzun A. , Ayyıldız E. "A green approach for the preparation of nanostructured zinc oxide: Characterization and promising antibacterial behaviour". Ceramics International, 47 (14), 19362-19373 (2021).
5. Sahin, B., Soylu, S., Kara, M., Turkmen, M., Aydin, R. and Çetin, H. "Superior antibacterial activity against seed-borne plant bacterial disease agents and enhanced physical properties of novel green synthesized nanostructured ZnO using Thymbra spicata plant extract". Ceramics International, 47 (1), 341-350 (2021).
6. Ari, H., Pandır, D. and Boyukata, M. "Structural, energetics and vibrational analyses of monomeric and dimeric forms of 2-deoxy-2-(3-methyl-3-nitrosourea)-1-D-glucopyranose". Journal of Molecular Structure, 1229, 129588 (2021).
7. Duran, D. "Measurement of 'closeness' and distinguishability of the quantum states in Yang-Baxter systems". Int. J. Theor. Phys., 60 (8), 3087-3102 (2021).
8. Duran, D. "Preserving quantum correlations via decoherence channels with memory". Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology B-Theoretical Sciences, 9 (2), 77-92 (2021).
9. Ali Çiriş, Bülent M Başol, Yavuz Atasoy, Abdullah Karaca, Murat Tomakin, Tayfur Küçükömeroğlu and Emin Bacaksız. Processing CdS- and CdSe-containing window layers for CdTe solar cells, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 215103 (2021)
10. Ali Çiriş, Bülent M. Başol, Yavuz Atasoy, Tayfur Küçükömeroğlu, Abdullah Karaca, Murat Tomakin, Emin Bacaksız, Effect of CdS and CdSe pre-treatment on interdiffusion with CdTe in CdS/CdTe and CdSe/CdTe heterostructures. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process., 128, 105750 (2021).
11. Ciris A., Basol B. M., Atasoy Y., KARACA A., Kuckomeroglu T., TOMAKİN M., BACAKSIZ E. "Deposition of CdSeTe alloys using CdTe-CdSe mixed powder source material in a close-space sublimation process". J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron., cilt.32, sa.7, ss.9685-9693, (2021)
1. Unsalan, O., Ari, H., Altunayar-Unsalan, c., Bolelli, K., Boyukata, M. and Yalcin, I. FTIR, Raman and DFT studies on 2-[4-(4-ethylbenzamido)phenyl] benzothiazole and 2-[4-(4-nitrobenzamido)phenyl]benzothiazole supported by differential scanning calorimetry. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1218, 128454 (2020).
2. B. ŞAHİN, R. AYDIN, and H. ÇETİN, “Tuning the morphological structural optical and dielectric properties of hausmannite Mn3O4 films by doping heavy metal lead”. Superlattices and Microstructures, 143, 106546 (2020).
3. A. AKKAYA, B. ŞAHİN, R. AYDIN, H. ÇETİN, and E. AYYILDIZ, “Solution-processed nanostructured ZnO CuO composite films and improvement its physical properties by lustrous transition metal silver doping,” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron., 31(17), 14400-14410 (2020).
4. M. Ö. Karakuş, M. E. Yakışıklıer, A. DELİBAŞ, E. AYYILDIZ, and H. ÇETİN, “Anionic and cationic polymer based quasi solid-state dye sensitized solar cell with poly aniline counter electrodeg”. Solar Energy, 195, 565-572 (2020).
5. M. KIRAK and S. YILMAZ, “Electronic and optical properties of double ring-shaped quantum dot”. Journal of Nanophotonics, 14(1), 160131–1601313 (2020).
6. D. DURAN, “Enhancement of the Quantum Parameter Estimation in Yang-Baxter Systems”. Int. J. Theor. Phys, 59(7), 2091-2100 (2020).
7. D. DURAN, “Dynamics of quantum Fisher information in the two-qubit systems constructed from the Yang-Baxter matrices”. Quantum Inf. Process, 19(9), 332 (2020).
8. D. DURAN, “Action in Hamiltonian Models Constructed by Yang-Baxter Equation: Entanglement and Measures of Correlation”. Chin. J. Phys., 68, 426-435 (2020).
1. R. AYDIN, B. ŞAHİN, and H. ÇETİN, "Variation of the key morphological structural optical and electrical properties of SILAR CdO with alkaline earth Ca2 ions doping". Ceramics International, 45(14), 16748-16758 (2019).
2. T. Önen, K. M. Özbay, R. COŞKUN, and H. ÇETİN, "Reaching stability at DSSCs with new type gel electrolytes". J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 385, 112082 (2019).
3. Ü. TEMİZER, E. KANTAR, "An investigation of competition on the dynamic magnetic properties of the core/shell nanowire". Chin. J. Phys., 57, 269-281 (2019).
4. W. Calvet, B. Ümsür, A. Steigert, K. Prietzel,. Greiner, C. A. Kaufmann, T. Unold, M. Ch. Lux-Steiner, I. Lauermann. “In situ investigation of as grown Cu In Ga Se 2 thin films by means of photoemission spectroscopy.” J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 37, 031510 (2019).
5. D. DURAN, “Jaynes-Cummings Modelinde Çiftlenim Sabitinin Kuantum Tahmini”. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 530-538 (2019).
1. A. AKKAYA, B. B. Kantar, H. ÇETİN, K. YILDIZLI, and E. AYYILDIZ, “A Study on the Electronic Properties of SiOxNy p Si Interface,” Silicon, 10(6), 2717-2725 (2018).
2. S. YILMAZ and M. KIRAK, “An investigation on the effect of impurity position on the binding energy of quantum box under electric field with pressure and temperature,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 32(13), 1850154 (2018).
3. Ü. TEMİZER and L. DEMİR, “Dynamic Magnetic Features of the Mixed Ising System on the Bilayer Square Lattice,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 31(3), 889-903 (2018).
4. M. ERTAŞ, M. BATI, and Ü. TEMİZER, “Dynamic hysteresis loops of the spin 2 bilayer Ising model,” Chinese Journal of Physics, 56(3), 807-818 (2018).
5. V. Parvan, A.V. Mızrak, I. Majumdar, B. Ümsür, W. Calvet, D Greiner, C. A. Kaufmann, T Dittrich, E. Avancini, I. Lauermann, “Cu In Ga Se 2 surface treatment with Na and NaF A combined photoelectron spectroscopy and surface photovoltage study in ultra-high vacuum,” Applied Surface Science, 444, 436-441 (2018).
6. D. DURAN and A. VERÇİN, “Controlling the loss of quantum correlations via quantum memory channels,” Quantum Inf. Process, 17(7), 164 (2018).