Mission: By providing students with a solid foundation within the framework of economics, we aim to raise individuals who understand the functioning of global economic systems, have high analytical thinking skills, have ethical values, and are sensitive to the economic and social problems of the society. In addition, to provide society with qualified individuals who can be employed in the public and private sectors by carrying out contemporary education and training activities in the field, taking into account the changing internal and external conditions.
Vision: To become one of the most preferred departments in the region, developing innovative and sustainable solutions to economic problems, training competent individuals in their field.
Aims and Objectives: To prepare and train human resources equipped with knowledge and skills in line with the requirements of the age for the national and international levels in the economic fields needed by the private and public sectors. Our department consists of the departments of Economic Theory and Economic History, Economic Policy, Economic Development and International Economics. Our department; It consists of compulsory courses covering the subjects of the departments and many elective courses that our students can choose from. The content of the courses has been created to enable our students to obtain theoretical and applied economics knowledge, analyze economic problems and think analytically. Students who graduate from the Department of Economics have the chance to find employment in almost every field, both in the private and public sectors. Department graduates work in national and international markets; They can be employed in manufacturing sectors such as food, iron and steel, automotive, textile and service sectors such as banking, insurance and tourism. Graduates can work in foreign trade, finance, accounting, production, management and marketing departments in these fields, as well as take on positions such as expertise, inspector or auditor. Graduates also have the opportunity to pursue an academic career by continuing their studies at the graduate level.