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Project Name-Supporting Institution-Student Name-Year

Willingness to Plant Hemp in Yozgat Province-TUBITAK-Merve BOZKURT ERKOÇ-2021

Research on the Economic Structure of Amasya (Marble) Apple, Nigde Province Camardi Example-TUBITAK-Mesut ONGUN-2024

Determination of Economic Sustainability and Marketing Problems of Angora Goat Breeding: The Case of Nallıhan District-TUBITAK-Yavuz KAZAN-2024

Determination of Economic Structure and Marketing Problems of Buffalo Breeding-TUBITAK-Taha AYKUN-2024

Determination of Economic Structure and Marketing Problems of Sheep Farms: Yozgat Province Example-TUBITAK-Suleyman BUZTEPE-2024

Determination of Economic Structure and Marketing Problems of Tomato Production in Geothermal Greenhouses: The Example of Kütahya Province-TUBITAK-Gulendam CETINKAYA-2024