In recent years, the agricultural sector has been developing in parallel with the economic developments of countries, and the problems of agriculture are gradually shifting from being technical to being economic and social problems. For example, in developed countries such as the European Union and the United States, in addition to technical issues such as biotechnology, organic farming and good agricultural practices, the economic and social aspects of agriculture increasingly constitute a significant part of research and education studies. Since developments parallel to this trend are also on Turkey's agenda, it is clear that there will be a significant need for Agricultural Economists who have received education and developed themselves in the Department of Agricultural Economics in the coming years. The need to establish a Department of Agricultural Economics was felt, especially for students who wish to contribute to the country's economy by participating in projects and harmonization studies to be implemented during the accession process to the European Union, as well as in important key points of globalized agricultural trade.
Our Department of Agricultural Economics started its activities in April 2018 within the Faculty of Agriculture of Yozgat Bozok University.